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server System EngineerSigma Dynamics and Professionals Placement Agency

Workplace: MetroManila, Manila, Makati
Salary: Agreement
Work form: Full time
Posting Date: 15/09/2024
Deadline: 16/10/2022

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Job System Engineer

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Job Responsibilities
Establish and maintain server and desktop infrastructure
Troubleshoot issues that appear at the server and PC levels
Designing, developing and installing software
Work on disk, memory and processor issues, and patch servers or launch updates.
Job Qualifications
With practical experience in developing server applications on Linux
With experience in developing a LAMP environment.
With experience in developing a cloud environment (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.).
With knowledge of and experience using container technologies such as Docker.
Better to have: (but not required)
Knowledge of the Linux OS.
Development experience targeting the Linux OS.
Hardware knowledge.
Experience in practicing readable code and developing software.
Experience developing with single board computers.

Other Info

Makati City, Metro Manila

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Sigma Dynamics and Professionals Placement Agency

About the company

Position server System Engineer recruited by the company Sigma Dynamics and Professionals Placement Agency at MetroManila, Manila, Makati, Joboko automatically collects the salary of , finds more jobs on Server System Engineer or Sigma Dynamics and Professionals Placement Agency company in the links above

About the company

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  • +84 962.107.888