Security and Systems Monitoring, Inc.Recruitment jobs

SECURITY & SYSTEMS MONITORING, INC.   Security & Systems Monitoring, Inc. (SSMI) provides specialized security and life-safety devices for residential, commercial, and industrial establishments. Using an unprecedented combination of technologies and real-time...

Job list

Security and Systems Monitoring, Inc. need to recruit the following positions:Central Monitoring Station Operator / Video Intervention Service Operator works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Supervisor works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Operation Manager works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱30,000 - 40,000 per month;Alarm Technician works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Estimator works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Central Monitoring Station Operator / Video Intervention Service Operator works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱12,000 - 14,000 per month;Office Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Technician / Installer works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱12,000 - 14,000 per month;Company Driver works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Technical Specialist works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;IT Supervisor works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Central Monitoring Station Operator / Video Intervention Service Operator works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱12,000 - 14,000 per month;Office Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Central Monitoring Station Operator / Video Intervention Service Operator works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱12,000 - 14,000 per month;Service Technician works at SurigaodelNorte salary Agreement;Service Technician works at Iloilo salary Agreement;Service Technician works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;

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