LNL Free Sale Trading Inc.Recruitment jobs

LNL FREE SALE TRADING INC.   LNL Free Sale Trading Inc. is a business Corporation with SEC Company Registration No.  CS201512631 which currently located at N.B Guido Building, Labogon Road, Mandaue City Cebu and was established on June 25, 2015.   LNL Free Sale Trading Inc. are a...

Job list

LNL Free Sale Trading Inc. need to recruit the following positions:Accounting Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;HR Manager works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Push Girl / Promodiser works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Executive Secretary works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;Online Sales Manager works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Driver works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;Promodiser works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;HR Manager works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱30,000 - 31,000 per month;Sales Manager works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Driver works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;Promodiser works at Cebu, Zambales, Cebu salary Agreement;

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