Passerelles Numeriques PhilippinesRecruitment jobs
From 26-100 employees

Passerelles numériques (PN), a non­profit organisation, is dedicated to enabling highly disadvantaged youths, through their abilities and their commitment, to access education and technical and vocational training, in the sector of Information Technology. We work to build strong...

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works at Passerelles Numeriques PhilippinesPartnerships Officer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Social Worker works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱18,000 per month;Admin and Finance Officer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Partnerships Officer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Finance Officer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;PN Country Representative works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Human Resources Administrator works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;IT & Training Manager works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;

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