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Job Computer Technician
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Vocational or College Graduates accepted
Team Player, personable
Able to Manage Time Properly
With Good Communication Skills
Able to handle Hardware, Software, Networking concerns
Willing to travel within the city and nearby provinces
Driven and willing to work with deadlines given, honest, organized
Compensation and commission bonuses available
Required Skills: hardware, software
No work experience required but some experience is better
Experience as Tech-Sales, a plus.
Additional Information
Career Level: Less than 1 Year Experienced Employee
Qualification: High School Diploma, Vocational Diploma/Short Course Certificate, Bachelor's/College Degree
Job Type: Full-Time
Job Specializations: Computer/Information Technology, IT-Hardware
Vocational or College Graduates accepted
Team Player, personable
Able to Manage Time Properly
With Good Communication Skills
Able to handle Hardware, Software, Networking concerns
Willing to travel within the city and nearby provinces
Driven and willing to work with deadlines given, honest, organized
Compensation and commission bonuses available
Required Skills: hardware, software
No work experience required but some experience is better
Experience as Tech-Sales, a plus.
Additional Information
Career Level: Less than 1 Year Experienced Employee
Qualification: High School Diploma, Vocational Diploma/Short Course Certificate, Bachelor's/College Degree
Job Type: Full-Time
Job Specializations: Computer/Information Technology, IT-Hardware
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Sunlink Technologies Inc. (e-POS Plus)
About the company
Cebu, CebuAgreement
Position Computer Technician recruited by the company Sunlink Technologies Inc. (e-POS Plus) at Davao, Joboko automatically collects the salary of , finds more jobs on Computer Technician or Sunlink Technologies Inc. (e-POS Plus) company in the links above
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