Makoto Metal Technology Inc.Recruitment jobs
From 501 to 1000 employees

Makoto Metal Technology Inc.   A Japanese company registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority specialized in the manufacturing of quality metal products.     For more information about our company, visit our website:

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works at Makoto Metal Technology Inc.Accounting Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Nurse works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Industrial Engineer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Material Purchaser works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Accounting Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Quality Controller / Engineer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;HR Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Nurse works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱20,000 - 25,000 per month;Company Nurse works at Cebu, Cebu salary ₱20,000 - 25,000 per month;Sales Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Nurse works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Sales Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Accounting Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;CAD Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Accounting Staff works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Electrical Engineer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Company Nurse works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Industrial Engineer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Programmer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;Programmer works at Cebu, Cebu salary Agreement;

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