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LAND SURVEYORMeralco Industrial Services Corporation

Salary: Agreement
Work form: Full time
Posting Date: 05/03/2025
Deadline: 05/04/2025
We are looking for a qualified land surveyor to be responsible for preparing sites for construction and providing data on measurements to establish property boundaries. Land surveyors research legal boundaries, measurements of land, and perform mathematical calculations.
To be successful as a land surveyor, you should have great analytical and mathematical skills, possess a keen eye for detail, and have great communication skills. Ultimately, a good land surveyor should have extensive experience in performing complex measurements, analyzing data, and recording results accurately.
oM u s t b e a L i c e n s e d C i v i l a n d E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r
oWith at least 1-2years of experience in same field.
oKnowleadgeable in handling surveying instruments and estimating quantities & cost of materials to determine project feasibility.
oProficient in Ms office operations
Bachelor's Degree / College Degree
Field of study
Engineering (Others), Geographical Science
Civil Engineering/Construction, Property/Real Estate, Quantity Surveying
Accomodation, Laptop, Life Insurance, Mobile Data Plan
Qualitative Research

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Meralco Industrial Services Corporation

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