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h AIRdresserMission Way Manpower Services, Inc.

Salary: SAR 1,900.00 per month
Work form: Full time
Posting Date: 07/10/2024
Deadline: 07/11/2024

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Job Description
Providing various hair coloring treatments to clients after inquiring into possible hair dye sensitivities and allergies that they may have.
Using various hairstyling tools and equipment, including hair straighteners, curling irons, rollers, hairdryers, and hot combs, to style clients' hair accordingly.
Cutting, trimming, and shaping clients' hair as well as wigs, hair extensions, hairpieces, and toupes based on clients' preferences and specifications. • Also, knowledgeable for cleaning, filing, trimming, shaping, and applying nail polish client
A minimum of 1 year(s) of working experience is required.
Candidates must be at least a high school graduate.
Female applicants are preferred for this role.
Principal / Employer
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DMW Registration / Accreditation No.
Placement Fee
Please be reminded that as per DMW regulations, the placement fee is up to a maximum of one (1) month's salary.

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Mission Way Manpower Services, Inc.

About the company

Position h AIRdresser recruited by the company Mission Way Manpower Services, Inc. at , Joboko automatically collects the salary of SAR 1,900.00 per month, finds more jobs on HAIRDRESSER or Mission Way Manpower Services, Inc. company in the links above

About the company

  • Employer support:
  • +84 962.107.888