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DriverLJR Ventures

Workplace: Cebu
Salary: Agreement
Work form: Full time
Posting Date: 15/09/2024
Deadline: 17/08/2023

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LJR Ventures is a growing company. It started its operations in 2004 by supplying and dealing with Electrical, Mechanical, and Preventive Chemical Products to various industries. Beginning October 2014, it has ventured into the water treatment industry.
The company has grown over the past years by serving clients with quality products and services.
The company is now hiring for:
High school graduate, College level or College graduate.
12 driver's license restrictions.
Knows how to drive 4 wheel vehicle.
Physical stamina and good upper body strength to lift heavy package, water galloon and objects, as well be able to load and unload them from their vehicle.
Meeting delivery deadlines.
Deliver orders to client.
Performing vehicle maintenance.
Follow all traffic laws.
Keep accurate count of gas usage, miles and other data.
Other additional technical duties.

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LJR Ventures

About the company

Position Driver recruited by the company LJR Ventures at Cebu, Cebu, Joboko automatically collects the salary of , finds more jobs on Driver or LJR Ventures company in the links above

About the company

  • Employer support:
  • +84 962.107.888